Voici Nigel Huddleston, sous-secrétaire d’État parlementaire aux arts, au patrimoine et au tourisme, qui demande que Daniil Medvedev clarifie sa position concernant Vladimir Poutine.
Ce politicien et homme d’affaires semble spécialement intéressé par ce qui touche aux personnes de nationalité russe, puisqu’il soutient la reprise du Chelsea FC (que Roman Abramovitch doit céder) par Saudi Media.
Voici une déclaration repérée dans un article du quotidien The Guardian :
The UK’s relationship with Saudi Arabia is really important, said Huddleston, who maintained the decision to allow PIF to purchase Newcastle was made solely by the Premier League and remained independent of a government he said was unafraid to serve as critical friends of their counterparts in Riyadh.
Saudi Arabia is an important partner of the UK in investment, intelligence and culture. We welcome Saudi Arabian investment. Many, many jobs in the UK are dependent on our relationship with the Saudis but we take the opportunity to talk frankly and openly with Saudi Arabia.
Petit rappel concernant le “partenaire” de Nigel Huddleston :